Tuesday, May 20, 2014

best birthday EVER!

June 8, 1999 

-it was the best birthday ever and I didn't even know it was going to be my birthday.

1 PETER 3:15


I would have told you that I was a Christian.
I believed in God, I was raised in church, I was confirmed in the Lutheran church as  a young person- I had to study the Bible, memorize scripture and stand up before the church to be confirmed, kind of like a Jewish bar-mitzvah,  if you’re not familiar with a Lutheran confirmation.

As an adult, I went to church every time the door was open, for about 10 years, I took my children to church, I served my church gladly, taught Sunday School, youth, sang in the choir, ever ready to serve. I read my Bible regularly as an assignment for Sunday School class.
I tried to be good and obedient, but I had never met Jesus.

Here's the thing, I "thought" I was a good person "because" I was doing all these things, and I HOPED that this would get me into heaven.

(Still questioning within myself: Can I do enough that my good will out weigh my bad? Is that how I avoid hell?......)

I thought that was what God required. I never heard the law and the gospel. I may have "heard" the words, but it didn't make sense.

The salvation message had no meaning for me.  
Are you saved? Born again? What does that really mean?

I had to read a certain number of chapters in the Bible each week so that I could report my "good works" to my Sunday school class.
I was being obedient, to the rules of the class, to pray and read the Bible.
I was actually just seeking the approval/acceptance and fellowship of the other ladies in my Sunday school class.

I did not know that I was learning how to seek God, by prayerfully reading his word. I did not know that the God of ...........everything...........was about to reveal Himself to me.
But that is what happened.

June 8, 1999, my re-birthday.
The best birthday EVER.

I was reading my required number of chapters for class.....
I had been praying and reading, I was alone in my room. It was late at night.
There was no salvation sermon, there was no alter call, just the Word and me.

And like Paul on the road to Damascus, my eyes were suddenly opened, as I met Jesus.
ACTS 9:1-18
Reading about Jesus last days, LUKE chapters 22, 23, 24… it was during Jesus ‘trial” before :Pilate (man)and I suddenly knew, that Jesus, the God of the universe had come to earth all those years ago, to save ME.
From ME (my sin) and save from God’s wrath (anger/punishment towards sinners)
Looking at the cross, it should be me up there…..

And I could not be saved because I was reading my required number of verses and serving in the church and doing my best to behave and follow all the rules…..
But because I was a terrible law breaker, (like the people in the crowd shouting for His crucifixion)  I could not on my own even obey the simple rules of the Bible, much less be acceptable to a holy and righteous God that DIED for me!!!

I had broken Gods laws, my sin was against Him directly, I acted like a Christian before people, but God knew everything, my past, my thoughts, my selfish ways,  in fact, I nailed Christ to that cross (my sin) and I was trying to do good things to “make up for all of that?”

There is no making up for sin, no matter how hard I tried, no matter what I did, it didn’t erase my past or make me
good enough to stand before God.

PSALM 19:7-11

-Sinners prayer
I didn't recite the "sinners prayer" on the day I was BORN AGAIN, I had said that prayer many times before in Church, but didn't really know what I was praying.

JOHN 3:3-7

I cried for joy and wept in shame at the same time,  I cried because I realized that I (my sin) is the reason Jesus had to die such a horrible death on the cross. Joy because He went to the cross for ME

I saw the truth, that no matter what I did, I was doomed if I died and stood before God alone.
MATTHEW 10:32-33
ROMANS 8:1-4!

I was so sorry for all the things I had done in my life, I NEEDED God to take that all away, I needed His forgiveness on that day, and I received it, because I was truly sorry and repentant for MY SINS toward God, (which are great) and I turned, right then
-from my life of sin
-to the holy God of salvation.

Jesus' death on the cross saves us from hell, He did that for me because He loves me.
LUKE 19:10
JOHN 3:16-17
I deserve hell, because I sin against a holy God, no, I’m not as bad as Hitler, or nearly as good as Mother Teresa….but even she is not good enough, sin is sin and just like Adolf Hitler, I deserve hell.
ROMANS 5:8-9

He is holy and perfect, I am broken and lost.

Christ the final sacrifice for me the guilty sinner.
SO that I would NOT have to face God alone on the day that I die, to explain WHY I have done all the things I’ve done, but I can stand there with Jesus as my defense, as my redeemer the one who paid my fine, so that I could go free. He paid the debt for my sin that I could never pay, it’s now erased.
ROMANS 6:10-14

I died that day, to my self-centered life of my own “good works” and was reborn, a new person in Christ, trusting that His life and sacrifice DID in fact pay the debt I owed to God,  I no longer had to try and earn my way into heaven, because it’s impossible!

Jesus did it for us, because NONE of us can do it for ourselves.
ISAIAH 53:5-6

I still have many of the same "challenges" as I did Before Christ.
But, I do not face them alone.

Most of my old troubles seem so much smaller now, I do not worry. I absolutely do not go after the things of the world as I used to,
I can respond differently now.
I know how the story ends, I know where I will go when I die, I have an eternal perspective on everything, life, troubles and my family.

MATTHEW 6:25-34

I have this HOPE, in Christ, because after Jesus died, he rose from the dead, this is how we know that heaven is real and we will be risen there with Christ, this hope that I am sharing with you now, today, because my greatest desire, in line with Gods desire, is that none of you will perish on that last day, but join me in eternity.

We will all have a last day, we will all face God on that day, as sinners who are unworthy of heaven,  YET we can all have Jesus standing with us, to plead our case and set us free.
HEBREWS 9:27-28

My new every birthday wish: You've heard the saying "you can't take it with you" that's true,The ONLY thing I can hope to bring with me into FOREVER, is you.

*I just want to make sure, that I have shared this with you because I love you!
Maybe you are like me, and just didn't know?

Maybe you have an awesome birthday story to share with me!
Tell me about the day of your salvation -it could be today!

I Love you, Laura
MARK 16:15

·        -Look inside, have you kept the law?

·        Look at the 10 Commandments, have you ever lied?... I have. Ever stolen anything? .. I have. Do you put God first, ALWAYS.... not me. Do we honor our parents? ..... sometimes. Ever used Gods name as a cuss word...I have. That’s only 5 of the 10,  I am not a good person.

But I AM made right now because Jesus died for me and my debt is paid, I have turned from my sins (repented) and now I live to -
Thank you Jesus!!

·        Turn from your sin, repent and trust Jesus death as payment, and live.
ACTS 3:19LUKE 13:3PSALM 51, ROMANS 13:14, ROMANS 5:15,19, 21
·        Then read your Bible prayerfully every day, do what it says and you will know the truth!