Wednesday, December 24, 2014

twisted Christmas

Christmas  is a little twisted.

It seems this formerly Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, has now become a “Holiday” celebrating, mainly, consumerism.
Yes, you’ve likely heard this lament before, but this is mine.

That I waste precious time, money and energies on decorating, buying, cooking, cleaning and partying....
That we do it in the name of spending all on family and friends, the joy of celebrating the season.
Gifts to make children happy, feel loved or “Good” by Santa standards…..

I’m not as fond of that jolly old elf as I used to be. LOL
I’ve grown a little jealous giving him the credit all these years for all those gifts when the kids only behave for about 2 weeks approaching the BIG DAY, then forget about, break or ask for an exchange on half the stuff by December 26.

Ha ha, the Grinch has spoken, or is this more Scrooge like?
Whichever, I'm softening to both, I do still love the Holiday traditions, the stories, It's a Wonderful Life, Frosty, Rudolph, Elf!! The lights, the food, family. This all makes me smile today.
However, Santa’s gifting is a message of “good deeds get rewarded” the very opposite of the SACRIFICIAL GIFT (Jesus life / blood, paying for our sin ) given us by our Savior, that is totally unearned, impossible to earn in fact.
My home is wrecked, my bank is empty, Santa’s up there drinking egg nog with Buddy and Frosty laughing all the way….ha ha ha
The most wonderful time of the year?
The HOLIDAYS have become the most STRESSFUL:, time of the year.
Depression – for many;  Debt—for most.
Hardly something to celebrate.
Don’t misunderstand me.
I have decorated, I have shopped, ( I buy my dogs Christmas gifts…for goodness sake - so)
I’ve readied my home for company.
…. bah humbug it all!.

I was raised this way, the trappings of holiday tradition. And its NOT terrible.
Buuuuut, it’s not my birthday, it’s not your birthday, it’s the birth of our Savior WHO saves us from death  (punishment for our sins) and GIVES us eternal life. THAT’S the gift. Period. Amen.

Is it possible to celebrate the birth of Christ which actually has meaning for me and stop celebrating with society the holiday season?       OR     can I do both and feel good about both?
Can I give a little more  (I’m broke)
Can I love a little more...
Can I be a little more…
A meaningful Christmas that focuses on Jesus, doesn’t use symbols, I’ll use the means of grace: the Word, preaching, prayer, fellowship and ordinances  (Acts 2:42).
Christmas tradition, compels me to decorate,  a tree, there is a star on top, nativity scenes are my new "Christmas collectable". (Guess I’m already twisting it together somewhat.)

I do promise and everyone in my family knows, I will be reminding you all of the real
“reason for the season (have I done that yet?)

I will ask you about your faith, you’ll get a Bible a gospel tract or video from me….yes, I’m that person.          (may as well just give socks right?)
But please understand, this is THE gift, something you might not want, today- but oh do we need it, my heart is that everyone want Christ more.
To realize that He is the gift that we need.   {insert my testimony/Gospel presentation here}

I have NOT given more to charity than I have given to the mall as yet.
I have NOT shared Jesus Christ THE GIFT more than I’ve said Merry Christmas.
I have NOT given myself fully, to the One who gave His life for me.
(see what’s going on there, the gift)
Well, maybe I can just start doing more of those things that matter and keep doing the things that matter to others also?
God first
(self is where I get in trouble, I want to make others happy, I want them to like my gift best, I don’t want to be the pushy Jesus lady, yet, I gotta be the pushy Jesus lady…..yep, I’m the one who’s twisted, I sound like a spoiled brat on Santa’s lap)

Ok, so we will rise early Dec. 25, open lots of gifts while “the Christmas story” goes 24/7, maybe watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”, then feast with my family, perhaps in the midst of all of that (please) let me share the true gift of Christmas.
Whatever you choose to do, do not let anyone make you feel guilty for celebrating or not celebrating.  Just don’t go into debt and don’t let culture ,or church pressure send you into a funk if you don’t have a “traditional Christmas.” 
That is the last thing Jesus would want on His birthday

Get ready Laura, here comes Peter Cottontail, Resurrection Sunday (the big one) ppl!

Ephesians 6:19-20